Good afternoon everyone! It had been a long time since I wrote my last English post. So, I'll try not to screw this up with grammatical errors here and there (which is the main problem that hold me back to write in English besides those fake visitors). I'm not going to write any pathetic, melancholic, useless, weird stuff this time, but rather I will write some kind of review about a song.
First, do not expect me to review it thoroughly or technically. Since I'm not capable of reviewing songs in such way, but I will review it in terms of its music, palpably, and the main focus of this review, its lyrical content or meaning. The song I'd like to review today came from London gentlemen which are creating music in this band called Bombay Bicycle Club, and the song is called "Leave It". What is it about? Is it very deep in meaning or just plain? Well, let's review it out.
I purposefully embed the video up there because, I think the lyrics and the music video have a strong relationship, or in other words, the video visualized what the lyric or the song is about. And I'm not choosing this song randomly, because after hours of hours of crowding my ears with its tunes I strongly believe that this song has something in it.
First of all here are the lyrics, I copy-paste it from the link:
Don't think it's what you're afraid of
Come in you know what's been made up
Hold you tight, words have a new sound
Reading the signs that just seep out
You've got to leave it
"Don't you go evade me now
Come see what you've done"
Each of your reasons has broken
Call it off once you have spoken
Filled to the top then split open
Repeating over and over
Now you have to leave it
"Don't you go evade me now
Come see what you've done
I keep thinking lately how
All these feelings won"
Come in you know what's been made up
Hold you tight, words have a new sound
Reading the signs that just seep out
You've got to leave it
"Don't you go evade me now
Come see what you've done"
Each of your reasons has broken
Call it off once you have spoken
Filled to the top then split open
Repeating over and over
Now you have to leave it
"Don't you go evade me now
Come see what you've done
I keep thinking lately how
All these feelings won"
To put it simply, this song is about how we have to accept and move on from something we have lost, generally. But if I review it per stanza of the lyrics, then it became a more complex interpretation. Oh yes, before I start to review it per two lines or more, I see the lyrics of the song is came from a first person that is talking to the third person. The first two lines of the lyrics "Don't think it's what you're afraid of/ Come in you know what's been made up" is about the first person saying to the other that "it is not something you have to be afraid of", and then the first person seems to have the other to not turn away from what he/she has lost and ask the person to see and not to forget what the person has lost. Then the part "Hold you tight, words have a new sound/ Reading the signs that just seep out/ You've got to leave it" is about the first person who is there, beside the other and supporting him/her. About the part "words have a new sound", I am not quite sure but, I think it is about the other person's surroundings and facts that have changed since the loss. and then the next part is likely not too far and connected to the previous part and it is about seeing how everything changed since and it is likely that the change brings the other person sadness, which he/she has to "leave it" outright.
The first chorus "Don't you go evade me now/ Come see what you've done" is about the first person telling the other to not turning his/her back away from the loss and face the loss.
Going to the second verse, it seems that I cannot review it part by part, because they are connected to each other and they are a unity. The second verse is about how the other person keep reasoning about the loss to run away from it or forget it, but the person seems cannot ignore the fact that something has lost from him/her so the reasons made is useless. And again, he/she has to (accept and) "leave it".
The second chorus is the same as the previous chorus with the exception that it has been added with "I keep thinking lately how/ All these feelings won". Honestly the additional sentences there confuse me, and it seems, because the additional sentences, the song has two "endings". First ending is that "these feelings" the first person mentioned is about that feelings of constancy, patience, with the presence of love and hope make the third person in loss "won" his/her struggle with the sadness of loss. The second ending, however, is not a quite pleasant ending. It is about "these feelings" of despair, sadness, and other unpleasant feelings that unpleasantly "won" over the third person and made the first person in a confusion of "how he/she cannot accept it and move on?"
The video I embed on top is the means to understand this song appropriately. I will not explain what happened in the video scene by scene, but rather I will summarize what is inside it and what is it about. The video, at first, showing all four members of the band and then moving in circle and showing different people with different background. It is showing the cycle of life and also what happened in life the most: gain and loss. The video shows how human, people are born to the world, life their live, and then gain something when they are growing up, but also lose something in life too. The video finally ends showing people in black suit and a woman in black, in black veil, holding a jar of the deceased ash and then shooting one candle that is still aglow and then died, all in the same circular shooting manner.
To summarize this review, the song is telling its listeners that loss is something that is just waiting to be happened and will be happened for sure, but we cannot sad or mourn over it for too long. We have to be strong, we have to accept it, we should not forget about it.
Thank you for your attention! (that is, if there is someone or some ones reading this with attention) Please don't be offended or thinking that I am a smartass. No, I'm not. All of those words I have written is truly and purely based on my opinion. If you have other different interpretation about it, or critics or suggestion but (please) not any negative response to it (and to me), please comment and let me know. Bye for now.