Rabu, 09 April 2014


Honey, we got a problem;
The universe keeps expanding
we are decaying.

You'll be less and less
and less
and less
beautiful than you are today.

I'll be less and less
and less
and less
Charming than I am today.

We'll be less and less
and less
and less
strong than we are today.

We'll be more and more
and more
and more
forgetful what we are, we were, what we had been doing.

Honey, there's a problem.
I can't remember what we were talking.
I can't remember the first time we kiss.
I can't remember why you cannot bear an infant.

Honey, there's a problem.
I'm not me anymore.
You're not you anymore.
We are not a couple we used to be.

Honey, the universe keeps expanding; we are getting small.
Honey, we are decaying; our golden age falls.

Honey, I forgot.
Why I fear death?
Why I fear these wrinkles?
Why I am suddenly being afraid of the world?

Honey I forgot..
I forgot to count
Our cherished memories..
Those sweet sweet words..
and I forgot to count
How long we've been decaying..
Before we're finally reduced to ashes.

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